Pregnancy | Birth | Recovery
Nurture is a nourishing blend of botanicals designed to support mum and bub throughout pregnancy, birth, and post-birth recovery.
Net wt. 80g
Ingredients: Shatavari, ginger, rose, rosehip, raspberry leaf, nettle.
Infuse: 1 tsp/250ml 3-5 mins at 100°C
Shatavari is rejuvenating herb that has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for regulating hormones, balancing the nervous system, prevention of postnatal depression, support breast milk supply, boosting immune health and balancing energy levels. This reproductive health tonic is the best known herb for supporting women’s health and childbirth.
Ginger has a calming and settling effect on the digestive tract making it a useful herb when supporting nausea, stomach cramps and morning sickness. Ginger’s warming energy also helps to improve digestion and nutrient absorption to nourish both Mother and baby.
The beautiful floral fragrant rose is known in Western herbal medicine as the herb of love, supporting the energetic connection between Mum and Bub. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) rose is used to regulate Qi, or life energy. Rose has found to be especially useful in traditional medicine for alleviating insomnia typical in third trimester of pregnancy.
Rosehip has a delicate, floral flavour with a slightly sweet and distinct tart aftertaste. Rich in antioxidants, rosehip helps to support the immune system and energy levels throughout pregnancy.
Raspberry leaf
Raspberry leaf is known to be nutritive to both Mum and Bub, containing a rich assortment of vitamins and minerals to support immune health, energy and overall wellbeing. With its parturient and astringent qualities raspberry leaf has been traditionally used to tone the uterine membranes and strengthen the pelvic floor and uterine muscle tissue which may assist with childbirth. Raspberry leaf has galactagogue properties that may assist in enriching milk supply after birth.
Nettle is nutrient rich in iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, calcium and sodium helping to nourish through all trimesters of pregnancy. Nettle has traditionally been used to assist in labour and support healthy milk production.
Formulated by a naturopath.
Made and packaged in South Australia from local and imported certified organic ingredients.